Time only exists so not everythins happens at once | 2017
Similar to our senses, media like photography translate incoming pulses
into a visual representation. Normally a photograph is equivalent to what we
consider as reality. Our reality is subjected to several parameters like time
and scale. When one of these parameters change, the same reality appears
different. This is shown in Time Only Exists So Not Everything Happens At Once. Time observation is extended, therefore the exposed silk visualises
another possible form of reality. Contrary to a conventional photograph wherein
time is identical to our perception of time.
By looking how I could make the invisible visible and the unknown parts
of reality more tangible, I created an instrument that captures the intensity
of the solar cycle.
The light sensitive treated silk moves slowly from one axis to the
other. During this process the UV-light is being captured on the exposed tensed
fabric. You can see this instrument as an enlarged version of a film that turns
through a camera. The result of a day shows a piece of 240 cm exposed silk. All
the changes in the weather and different intensity of the sun are visualized in
the blue tones.